Leader of the Good Fight
/Susan Bush at Her Farewell Dinner
After ten very successful years as President of Kenmure Fights Cancer (KFC), Flat Rock resident Susan Bush will be turning over the reins to new leadership and embarking on a well-deserved “retirement”. To say that her tenure at KFC has been a success does not do justice to the profound impact she’s had on the organization and, in turn, the lives and health of area residents.
Susan and her late husband, Richard, moved to Flat Rock in 2002 and it was not long before she directed her considerable energy and organizational talents for the purpose of helping others. She joined the board of Kenmure Newcomers and Neighbors where she was instrumental in creating KNN’s bylaws. In 2012, she joined the board of KFC. Like so many others who volunteer with KFC, Susan had previously experienced the ravages and heartbreak of cancer. She lost her first husband to the disease and saw the challenges faced by family and friends impacted by a cancer diagnosis.
Her first task with the KFC board was to organize their silent auction fundraiser. Ironically, that was a particularly challenging assignment for Susan. “When I heard they needed a president, I told them I’d rather do that job,” she recalls with a laugh. After just two years on the board, her colleagues had already recognized Susan’s abilities - and 10 years later they still agree that she was the perfect person for the job.
KFC Board of Directors, 2023
Fellow KFC Board Member, Maral Johnson, credits Susan’s effectiveness to her unwavering commitment to the mission of KFC. “Susan is dedicated, hardworking and a great problem solver. It was not long after she agreed to lead the group that KFC had by-laws, a mission statement, a beautiful logo, and a partnership with the Community Foundation”
Last October, Susan and her board members presented the cancer centers of both Pardee and AdventHealth with checks for $77,100 each. Those two checks were the proceeds of KFC’s 2023 “March to a Million” campaign and pushed KFC’s total donations since 2008 to the two local hospitals to $1,000,298. Over 85% of that $1 million was raised during Susan’s tenure as President.
The funds raised by KFC have been targeted for very specific purposes. For Pardee, KFC has donated $148,000 in recent years to support “Mammo on the Go”, Pardee’s mobile mammography service which offers state-of-the-art breast health services to women throughout western North Carolina. At Advent Health, 2023 KFC funds have been earmarked for a highly specialized CT scanner for precisely locating tumors. This precision allows for treatment that targets the cancer while avoiding surrounding areas of the body.
Susan and board members with the Pardee “mammo on the Go” Bus
Of all her accomplishments Susan is most pleased by the part KFC has played in expanding the options for high-quality cancer treatment here in Henderson County. “No longer do local residents have to travel and spend some of the hardest days of their lives in a hotel room,” she explains. “We at Kenmure are proud to be even a small part of that.”
Much of Susan’s success was the courage to think big. Last year's “March to a Million” campaign was an ambitious goal – but Susan helped her Kenmure neighbors believe that they could do it. “At first I wondered, ‘Is she nuts? How are we going to do that?’” recalls Karen Skelton, KFC board member, with a laugh. “But she reminded all of us we should never doubt the willingness of Kenmurians to jump on board for a good cause.”
Maral Johnson, another long-time KFC board member, marvels at Susan’s work ethic and also gives her credit for KFC’s success. “We achieved our goal last year because she does not sleep at night. At least that’s what those of us on the board think!”
Clearly, Susan’s leadership style is conducive to generating contributions to KFC – and the admiration of her peers. “We all look up to her because she leads through example, always has something kind to say, and always takes time to offer praise and compliments,” says Maral. Fellow board member, Jackie Murrill agrees. “Susan has the respect of her peers and has always been open to new ideas presented to the Board. She always made sure the members of the Board felt appreciated and gave them the credit they deserved.”
Susan at 2023 Check PResentation to pardee Hospital Foundation
Susan’s second husband, Richard Bush, passed away in the summer of 2023 after a long battle with Parkinson’s Disease – leaving Susan alone in a large home. After many happy years in Kenmure, she has determined it is time to start the next chapter of her life and she will be moving to Tryon Estates in August. But her heart won’t be leaving her many Kenmure friends or her passion for the mission of KFC. "Tyron is only 30 minutes away. I have a lot of friends here and I'm going to miss them. It's one thing to say you're leaving Kenmure, it's another thing to actually do it,” she says with a smile
In her characteristically humble manner, Susan deflects all praise for her decade of extraordinary work back to her fellow board members and Kenmure volunteers. “I always say that my board is the best board ever and they're the ones that have all made it happen. Over the years they have just been wonderful to work with and I give them the credit because they're the ones who really deserve it."
Still, her friends are unequivocal in their praise for Susan. “Susan is a beacon of light and positivity. She’s left an indelible mark here that will never be forgotten,” says Maral. Karen adds that Susan’s legacy will continue to inspire KFC volunteers into the future. “Susan's a whirling dervish. She's never quit, so neither shall we.”