Karen Luke Jackson
Karen Luke Jackson is a poet, story-catcher, and educator who lives in a cottage on a goat pasture in Flat Rock, North Carolina. Winner of the Rash Poetry Award and the Sidney Lanier Poetry Contest, Karen draws upon contemplative practices, family lore, and nature for inspiration. She has authored three poetry collections: If You Choose To Come, paying homage to the healing beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains; The View Ever Changing, exploring the lifelong pull of one's homeplace and family ties; and GRIT, chronicling her sister's adventures as an award-winning clown. Her writing has also appeared in numerous journals, including Atlanta Review, EcoTheo Review, Braided Way, Salvation South, and Friends Journal. Karen has a doctorate in education from North Carolina State University and for the last twenty-five years facilitated retreats under the umbrella of the Center for Courage & Renewal founded by Quaker writer and social activist Parker J. Palmer.
Website: www.karenlukejackson.com
If You Choose To Come - Redhawk Publications
The View Ever Changing - Kelsay Books
Grit - Finishing Line Press , Barnes and Noble

Mary Beth Stevens
Titles: Tippy Finds a Home; Tippy Finds His Purpose; Tippy Learns a Lesson; Tippy Makes a Move (Coming Spring, 2024)
After growing up in Iowa and spending more than 40 years in the Boston area, Mary Beth Stevens and her husband Robert and family of critters found their way to WNC in February 2020. They love the area, the people, the climate, the vibrant arts community and well, just everything.
Mary Beth’s journey as an author began six years ago when she and her husband fostered, and then adopted a Jack Russell terrier mix they named Tippy. Tippy was truly a handful for the first few months, which inspired Mary Beth to write her first book - Tippy Finds a Home - never dreaming that Tippy would inspire three additional books.
The books are intended for children ages 0-8, but many is the adult who has told her that the stories resonate with them in a very personal way. Tippy’s character is that of a naughty, yet lovable little boy. Perhaps we all feel a bit of that naughtiness deep in our souls?
Website: marybethstevens.com
Books are available at Amazon Link or directly from Mary Beth.

Tim Jones
Titles: Blue Mountain Poems; I Pray You; and Down Where The Soul Is
Published by The Gallery at Flat Rock Press
Tim is a lover of words and colors. He is an avid hiker, storyteller, poet and artist. His nature photographs and paintings have been featured in numerous gallery exhibitions and public installations in places of healing. His inspirational poetry focuses on how beauty helps us to be present in ways that heal and change the world.
Tim, a native of Henderson County, has been the Chief Operations Officer for the Hendersonville Rescue Mission since 2001. Ordained in the Episcopal Church in 2010, he serves on the clergy team at St. James Episcopal Church in Hendersonville. Tim passionately believes that creating is part of the essential work of the soul.
Available at The Gallery at Flat Rock

Megan Lucas
Titles: Songbirds and Stray Dogs; Here in the Dark
Meagan is the award-winning author of the novel Songbirds and Stray Dogs and the short story collection, Here in the Dark. Her work was chosen to represent North Carolina in the Library of Congress Route 1 Reads Program, and was named Distinguished in 2023's Best American Mystery and Suspense.
Meagan writes, with unsettling honesty, character-driven fiction that explores the female experience of lawlessness. David Hutchinson of The Book Tavern describes Lucas' work as 'Cormac McCarthy with empathy.' Stoker Award-winner, Nathan Ballingrud says: "Meagan Lucas is one of the most exciting new voices in Southern fiction. She crosses deeply nuanced portraits of compromised characters with genre-smashing narrative techniques, producing stories as exciting to read as they are beautiful and true." And Bestselling author, J. Todd Scott says: "This necessary, unforgettable work about people and communities most often forgotten, from one of the finest Southern literary authors writing today.
Website: www.meaganlucas.com

Missy Craver Izard
Title: The Adventures of Pajama Man and Hugs
With whimsical art and playful rhyming verse, this picture book is perfect for bedtime snuggles.
Missy Craver Izard was born and raised in Charleston, S.C. and has called Flat Rock and the Lake Summit area home since childhood. A retired summer camp director and art teacher, Missy wrote Pajama and Hugs for her grandson, Phen, to help cure “bad dreams.”
She is a mother, grandmother, speaker, entrepreneur, artist, author, journalist, teacher, community leader and the recipient of several awards including the White House Champions of Change. Currently she writes for The Charleston Mercury and Flat Rock Together. For years, her work appeared regularly in Camping Magazine and various other publications.
The past President of Historic Flat Rock, Missy is a history detective at heart and loves to dig up the story behind the story.
Available at Amazon Link

Brad Swift (aka W. Bradford Swift and Orrin Jason Bradford)
Titles: Rainforest Shaman, Zac Bates Eco-Adventure Series (5 books) and 26 other books.
W. Bradford Swift, popularly known as Brad, is a visionary fiction author, Write On Purpose Coach for aspiring authors, and a passionate advocate for animals and the planet. His journey began as a small animal vet, but an impulse purchase of a Macintosh computer in 1984 led him to discover his passion for writing. Over the past 30 years, Brad has worn out several Apple computers, published over 30 books, and contributed to national and international magazines. He has utilized his writing prowess to inspire young readers through his Zak Bates Eco-adventure series and Rainforest Shaman, helping them become joyful lifelong readers as well as responsible and caring advocates for Earth. Brad continues to weave his love for animals, nature, personal development, and spiritual development into his books.
He resides in the "Paradise Found" of the North Carolina mountains with his wife, daughter, and a host of four-legged family members.
Website: www.wbradfordswift.com
Online Purchase: Books2Read, Amazon, Brad Swift Bookstore

Jean Peelen
Title: Feisty: A Memoir in Little Pieces
Feisty is the story of a woman with attitude - told in short reflections that capture a life of awakening activism. From her exploits as a five-year-old New Jersey Cowboy to hosting Gloria Steinem in Alabama and an awkward drink with a young Clarence Thomas, Jean Peelen shares her journey and the most vulnerable moments of her life.
Website: www.oldwomenwhowrite.com
Available at Amazon Link

Joan Covell
Season of Courage: A tale of the Will and Bravery of a Carolina songbird
Springtime is the season for songbirds to repair the nests. Cari, the Carolina wren, becomes lost in the wilderness, faces danger, finds friendships, and gives youngsters of all ages a glimpse of her bravery and willpower. Featured in the story are well-loved locations in Flat Rock: the churchyard of St. John in the Wilderness and the Sandburg goat farm. Wild and domestic animals are illustrated by the author in vibrant color.
Available at Amazon Link

Kimberly Petty Dellinger
Titles: Heelda the Cat series of six books. With more to come!
An educator, songwriter, recording artist, and author/Illustrator of children’s books, Kimberly lives in Historic Flat Rock with her husband, Tom, Pardee Medical Physicist. They have two children, Reagan & Noah.
Kimberly (B.A., M.A, EDU) was a School Board Member and has 30+ years of teaching experience, and leads faith studies and a card creation ministry.
Kimberly’s Heelda the Cat books are a fun, inspirational series for boys and girls, 4-12+, with adorable characters that will become the reader’s friends. Books include a search and find and questions that personally connect readers to the theme, increasing critical thinking skills, compassion, and a love for reading.
Website: kimberlydellinger.com or heeldathecat.com
Available at: Amazon link
Galen Reuther
Titles: Flat Rock: Connemara, The Carl Sandburg Home; Hendersonville (with Lu Ann Welter)
I adopted the Village of Flat Rock as my home in 1999. Fascinated by Village history, I immediately joined Historic Flat Rock, Inc. where I served two terms as president, and chaired or co-chaired many of the popular Home Tours from 2004 through 2018. I have made it my avocation to learn the history of our many historic properties and continue to work as a board member of HFR.
Amazon Books Link, in local bookstores, and Harris Teeter.

Robin Anderson
Title: Uncommon Sanctuary: Until Spring Again
Carl and Paula Sandburg along with their daughters and grandchildren embraced life to the fullest in an ever-changing landscape of pastoral beauty at Connemara; the family home is now preserved as a national historic site. Uncommon Sanctuary: Until Spring Again captures Connemara through the unique vision of author and photographer Robin Anderson in vivid photographs and prose.
The author herself describes an ever-growing sense that her own creative moments were inspired as she explored the mountain trails over Connemara. Curiosity grew to understand the “creative hush” over the land that Carl Sandburg himself embraced.
Uncommon Sanctuary: Until Spring Again brings us full circle through the seasons capturing scenes meant to be shared. Traversing familiar pathways the mood and tenor of life become softer as summer gives way to the warm hues of autumn. Dramatic skies looking out over the front pasture herald winter and we again await the first blooms of spring. In a circle of life, Connemara reveals itself a true “Uncommon Sanctuary.”
Website: robinanderson.photography

Dr. John W. Quinley
Title: Discovering Carl Sandburg: The Eclectic Life of an American Icon
During the first half of the twentieth century, Carl Sandburg seemed to be everywhere and do everything: poet and political activist; investigative reporter, columnist, and film critic; lecturer, folk singer, and musicologist; Lincoln biographer and historian; children’s author; novelist; and media celebrity. But as time went on, his fame began to fade, and by the twenty-first century, the public knew little, if anything, about his legacy.
Discovering Carl Sandburg fills the gap for a new generation of readers. The opening chapter describes Sandburg’s humble beginnings in Galesburg, Illinois and the final chapter reflects on his legacy. The remaining chapters discuss a different aspect of his achievements or touch upon his personal life—such as his wife’s world-famous goats. Readers will come to appreciate Sandburg’s work ethic, wide-ranging interests, pioneering accomplishments, advocacy for social justice, focus on American history and culture, love of family, and his wisdom, integrity, kindness, and humor.
About the Author: John, a retired college administrator and faculty member, was raised in Maywood, Illinois—just a few blocks away from where Sandburg lived 30 years earlier. He and his wife, Melissa, live in Hendersonville, North Carolina—just a few miles from Sandburg’s former home.
Available at Amazon: Link Here

J.D.M. "David" Sullivan
Titles: Audacious: The Plan To Prevent the American Civil War; Encounters at Flat Rock: Three-Volume Set
Novelist and filmmaker David Sullivan is a member of Historic Flat Rock, Inc. His first book, the historical fiction piece, sold out of its first printing. The science fiction trilogy is especially suited to female readers aged 12 - 16 and features a strong female character, lessons in science, and a demonstration of traditional values like loyalty and perseverance.
Folks interested in purchasing the trilogy may contact the author at jdmsullivan@att.net; cost for the books are $19.95 plus $3.00 shipping.

Barbara Hodik, Ph.D.
Titles: Nine Pioneers in American Graphic Design; A Guide to Photographic Design
Nine Pioneers in American Graphic Design, originally published in 1989, explores each designer's milieu education, philosophy of design, body of work client relations, and problemsolving approaches. The more than 200 illustrations, 55 in color, are drawn from almost every medium of graphic expression, including posters, advertising magazines, book jackets, business graphics, and signage.
Barbara Hodik was a Professor of the History of Art and Design at the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, NY. and co-authored Nine Pioneers in American Graphic Design, the first book on the major pioneers in American Graphic Design, published by MIT Press in 1989, and A Guide to Photographic Design, a handbook published by Prentice-Hall, Inc. in 1983.
Available on Amazon: Link Here

Ken Jones
Titles: Letters from the Skeleton Coast; The Black Pearl Necklace, The Bayou Boys
“I grew up in Oklahoma wanting to be the shortstop for the St. Louis Cardinals when Marty Marion retired in 1950. Well, I couldn't hit a big-league curveball, so I went to college instead and became involved in the oil business in 1955. One thing led to another, so now in my eighties and living in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina, I am writing stories about what happened along the way. “ - Ken Jones

Dr. Jerry R. Wright, Jungian Psychoanalyst
Titles: Reimagining God and Religion: Essays for the Psychologically Minded (Chiron, 2018); A Mystical Path Less Traveled: A Jungian Psychological Perspective (Chiron, 2021)
Drawing on the insights of Jungian or Analytical Psychology, these two books (and a third in process) offer an in-depth psychological analysis of the contemporary religious and political dilemmas that threaten our common life and the life of our planet. Readers are challenged to be midwives of an emerging religious myth/perspective that will be more inclusive, intellectually and scientifically honest, and soul-satisfying. Dr. Wright proposes an alternative religious/spiritual path that has the character of a grounded, embodied mysticism that replaces the heavenly, disembodied escapism that has dominated the religious collective for more than 4,000 years.
Website: jerrywright.com
Available at: Chiron Publications or Amazon

Beth Marshall
“Uncrushed is a warm hug for the grieving heart- a cozy place to cry when you need to cry and laugh when you need to laugh. Compelling stories of deep love, crushing loss, and how the Lord can turn our mourning into dancing." - Bob Goff, New York Times best selling author of Love Does, Dream Big, Everybody Always, and Undistracted.
Beth Marshall is a speaker and the author of three grief-related books- Uncrushed, Grief Survivor, and A TIme to Heal.
She and her husband, Paul love living in Flat Rock! They are crazy about their three grown-up kids, two kids-in-law, and five next-generation superheroes (grandkids). When Beth’s not writing, she loves hiking, traveling anywhere with glaciers or snow-capped mountains, and taco Tuesdays with their family.
Website: bethgmarshall.com
Available at: Amazon, End Game Press, Barnes and Noble

Roger Bass
Title: The Way of the Guide at King Creek: A Nature Guide for Forest Therapy
Let the forest breathe you into forest time. Step into nature mysticism with a bioregional perspective of this area. Learn about the healing energy of forest bathing. There are color pictures and descriptions of animals in Flat Rock. A great gift for adults and children and should be on everyone's bookshelf.
Available on Amazon. Link here.

Joanie Zisk
Title: The Ultimate Cooking For One Cookbook
A comprehensive guide for single-serving recipes published by Adams Media, a subsidiary of Simon and Schuster. It's a valuable resource for anyone looking to create delicious, perfectly portioned meals for one (or two).
Joanie Zisk is not only an author but also the creator of OneDishKitchen.com, the premier site for single-serving recipes. The mission of One Dish Kitchen is to provide inspiration and resources for individuals to prepare meals that are both nourishing and satisfying. The website offers an extensive collection of easy-to-follow, flavorful recipes designed specifically for those cooking for one or two.
In addition to her website, Joanie has marked her presence in the culinary world through various media appearances. She has been featured in TV cooking segments in Houston and her recipes and food photography have been showcased in numerous publications. These include TODAY, Huffington Post, Real Simple, Self, Brain & Health, Women’s Day, Buzzfeed, Parade, and others, highlighting her expertise and appeal in the culinary domain.
Website: onedishkitchen.com
Amazon Cookbook Page: Link Here

Madeleine Kay
Titles: Living Serendipitously; Living with Outrageous Joy; Serendipitously Rich; The Serendipity Handbook
Madeleine Kay is the best-selling author of Living Serendipitously and Serendipitously Rich. Adventurist, unconventional success and motivation coach and serendipity catalyst, she has been featured in Who’s Who of American Women and Who’s Who in the World.
Her book, Living Serendipitously, was the first contemporary book about serendipity – sparking a worldwide interest in it. Known as The Serendipity Lady, she also created an official Serendipity Day Holiday – celebrated August 18th annually around the globe.
Considered America’s leading expert on serendipity, Madeleine brings the wisdom, passion and playfulness of serendipity sprinkled with her own unique brand of common sense to help people get, claim and enjoy the joy and riches they desire. Her unique and exciting “take” on serendipity is unlike any other – with an immediacy that embodies the very energy of serendipity.
Her books capture the joyful essence of the art of living – that feeling of aliveness we are all craving. She helps people become active dreamers, living their dreams, not just thinking about them; helps them discover how to make enthusiasm a way of life, demystify risk-taking and make it exciting, how to ignite their passion so they begin savoring their life, not just working at it ...
Website: madeleinekay.com
Available at The Wrinkled Egg in Flat Rock
and Amazon link

Phoebe Blackwell
I am an artist, an art teacher, and a partner in an art studio and an art school. My favorite thing is writing and illustrating children’s books. For me, it’s all about the kids. Titles (27): Fairy Door at Lanes End; Hens Teeth, Turtle Feathers and Frog Tails; The Moon Was Hungry; Fancy Fiddlesticks and the All American Popcorn Factory; Big Questions for Little People; Miss Lillian Marian Mouse; Fairy Tales From the Garden; The Marvelous Mountain Mud Pie Free-For-All; Bird Beaks, Bird Song, Bird Brains and Bird Tales; Bearly There; Under the Sea; Bunny Hugs; Fernando the Flamingo; Attired Amphibians and Radical Reptiles; Goat Grins; Tommy the Blue Tailed Skink; Kody the Wonder Dog; The Abbott Book; The Findlay Book; Traditions of the Heart; For the Love of Kody; Fairy Door, The Goats Have It; The Raven’s Wing School of Art; The Findlay Project; Don’t Let It Bug You; Clyde Personified.
Website Link: ravenswingstudios.com

Joan King
Title: The Heart of Golf, Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances
Joan King, BCH, Peak Performance Strategist, Master Sports Hypnotist & NLP Practitioner, founded POSITIVE MENTAL IMAGERY, a mental sports consulting firm in 1992 in Jupiter, Florida.
At the request of participants in her workshops, Joan authored a mental guidebook for golfers, “The Heart of Golf.” She has also produced eight self-hypnosis CDs/MP3s for mental golf reinforcement available at www.pmi4.com/cart Joan writes a monthly mental golf blog on the PMI website www.positivementalimagery.com
Using 35 years of research and training in the psychology of improving sports performance, and over 57 years of personal golf tournament experience, Joan coaches golfers internationally in the most advanced proven mental strategies for peak performances. Her mission is to help golfers gain a greater awareness of themselves and their golf games to reach their personal potential and to have fun playing the game no matter what the results are.
Joan's professional sports background includes certification with the Professional Ski Instructors of America, the Professional Tennis Registry of the U.S., and as an award-winning high school tennis coach.
A low-handicap senior amateur golfer, Joan competed in state, national and international championships, including qualifying for nine USGA Senior Women’s Amateur Championships and three Canadian Senior Ladies Amateur Championships.
Website: positivementalimagery.com
Amazon: Link Here

Tony Robles
Tony Robles was born in San Francisco and makes his home in Hendersonville, North Carolina. He was named Carl Sandburg Writer in Residence by the Friends of Carl Sandburg in Flat Rock, North Carolina in 2020. He is the author of the poetry and short story collections, Cool Don’t Live Here No More—A letter to San Francisco and Fingerprints of a Hunger Strike, published by Ithuriel’s Spear. He was shortlist nominated for Poet Laureate of San Francisco in 2017 and a two-time Push Cart Prize nominee. He received his MFA in creative writing from Vermont College of Fine Arts in 2023.
His latest book is Thrift Store Metamorphosis: A Collection of Poems which published in September 2023.
Website: tonyrobles.wordpress.com
Amazon Link Here