Interlochen — The Law Family Lake Summit Retreat

Interlochen —  The Law  Family Lake Summit Retreat

As the new dam that would create Lake Summit neared completion in 1919, the wonderful new power source proved to be the beginning of many beloved family retreats on Lake Summit. Removed from the confusion of nearby towns and cities and accessible only by a dirt road, enjoying the tranquility of Lake Summit became a tradition for the Law and Montgomery families.

One of those earliest summer homes was Interlochen — the Law Family Lake Summit retreat.

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Answered Prayers

Answered Prayers

When Caroline Long Tindall’s son Liam was born in 2000, it was the culmination of many difficult years of trying to start a family. Holding her newborn son, she imagined her life ahead as a prototypical mother and wife with the challenges, rewards, and unexpected circumstances that accompany parenthood. 

Caroline had no way of knowing, however, that she was embarking on a path rife with challenges she could never have imagined - or even more surprising – that she would have the strength and conviction to create an organization that would provide help and hope to both her new son and hundreds of local families facing similar challenges.

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Jody and Jeff Rutter At Your Service

Jody and Jeff Rutter At Your Service

Spend just a few moments with Jody and Jeff Rutter and you will know why they are so well suited to their chosen career in the hospitality industry. The owners of At Your Service, an Event Planning and Management company in Henderson County, are engaging, affable, and clearly the kind of people you would want to trust with details of your special day.

In short, Jeff and Jody are two of the most hospitable people you are likely to ever meet.

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Squire Farmer

Squire Farmer

Throughout any reading of Flat Rock history, one name comes up repeatedly as having had a literal hand in the creation of the nascent mountain community which served as a summer refuge for many of Charleston’s most prominent citizens. Although, historians have tended to reserve the lion’s share of their accounts of Flat Rock’s earliest history for families with the familiar names of King, Baring, Memminger and Lowndes, a young Charleston boy orphaned at age 11 also found his way to Flat Rock and over time and with great energy and skill built a legacy that can still be seen throughout Flat Rock today.

His name was Henry Tudor “Squire” Farmer.

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Remembering Karlen Paula

Remembering Karlen Paula

The Sandburgs moved to Connemara, their mountain farm in Flat Rock, North Carolina, in the fall of 1945: Carl and his wife Paula, their three adult children (Margaret, Janet, and Helga), and Helga’s young children John Carl and Karlen Paula. Helga and her children lived at the farm for seven years.

In January, Sandburg’s granddaughter Paula died at age 80. John Quinley, remembers Paula and her influence on his writings about Carl Sandburg. Remembering Karlen Paula.

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Anna's Hope

Anna's Hope

In March 2010, Anna Wesley Huneycutt died from a drug overdose. It was the culmination of a tumultuous struggle with addiction that upended her young life and the life of the family that loved her fiercely.

Anna’s death at age 20, however, was not the end of her story. In many ways, the tragic ending of her life was arguably the beginning of Anna’s legacy manifested during her short stay in this world.

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Letters from Flat Rock

Letters from Flat Rock

Robert Cuthbert’s anthology of early private correspondence from Flat Rock provides a fascinating glimpse into the lives of early 19th-century men and women who sought to escape the oppressive heat and disease that marked Lowcountry summers in and around Charleston, South Carolina.  Many of them, in their quest for reprieve, found their way to a growing settlement known as Flat Rock in the mountains of western North Carolina.

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The Leader of the Band

The Leader of the Band

With his trombone in the attic and his music career a distant memory, it seemed very unlikely that Jerry Zink would one day find himself as the leader of a swing band in the mountains of North Carolina. But three decades after he last played and nearly a thousand miles from his Oklahoma home, Jerry Zink retrieved his trombone from his attic in Flat Rock and resolved to re-learn the instrument that had given him – and his audiences – so much pleasure in his youth.  (Caricature by Pete Adams)

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St. John's Historic Cemetery

St. John's Historic Cemetery

My visit to the grave of noted Flat Rock historian and author, Louise Howe Bailey, was prompted by my interest in the history of the St. John in the Wilderness cemetery that sweeps around the venerable church like a solemn verdant cloak.  I was there to research the significance of the history captured on the chiseled granite monuments and inscribed marble slabs that are scattered throughout the grounds and even inside the sanctuary.

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The Carl You May Not Know

The Carl You May Not Know

“During the first half of the twentieth century, Carl Sandburg seemed to be everywhere and do everything: poet and political activist; investigative reporter, columnist, and film critic; lecturer, folk singer, and musicologist; Lincoln biographer and historian; children’s author; novelists; and media celebrity. He was one the most successful American writers of the twentieth century. Everyone knew his name. But as time went on, his fame began to fade, and by the twenty-first century, the public knew little, if anything about his legacy.”

Discovering Carl Sandburg by John Quinley

Ten facts about Carl Sandburg that you probably don’t know as compiled by John Quinley for Flat Rock Together.

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Fave Five from 2023

Fave  Five from 2023

Each year, as the last post of the year, I undertake the impossible task of selecting five favorite Flat Rock Together stories from the preceding 12 months. It is, of course, a task that is both arbitrary and unfair. Every story is valuable and should be celebrated in its own right. Stories are how we mark time, celebrate relationships, bestow accolades on the protagonists, and give meaning to our existence.

That said, here are a handful of stories worthy of a second look...

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Old Friends on a New Adventure

Old Friends on a New Adventure

In July of 2023, two long-time friends decided to push back their retirement a few more years to do something they both love together. Today, visitors to Dogwood in the bright blue building on Little Rainbow Row in Flat Rock will find new co-owners, Carol Mann Slowik and Tracy O'Connor-McGraw, happily stocking the shelves of their store, chatting with customers who wander in, and sharing in the adventures of business ownership.

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The Book on Flat Rock (Authors)

The Book on Flat Rock (Authors)

Our recent call for authors of books who currently live in Flat Rock or have written about Flat Rock is one more indication regarding the profusion of interesting and talented people living here. Although, there are many ways for us to make our mark in the world - artist, civic or business leader, athlete, musician, academic, or even a simple graciousness of the heart - having a book published is certainly an accomplishment worth celebrating.

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A GEM of a Program

A GEM of a Program

This past week, 11 young ladies from Hendersonville Middle School traveled with their faculty sponsors to visit some of Flat Rock’s most successful and inspirational businesswomen. During the course of their two-hour field trip, the girls met with the owners of a photography studio, a retail store, a restaurant, and an interior design firm.

By the time they re-boarded the school activity bus and headed back to school, they had learned about the challenges, rewards, travails, and successes of business owners who had once faced the same questions as their young visitors:  What will I become? How do I find my career? Can I follow my dream?  

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Celebrating the Season: A Flat Rock Playhouse Christmas

Celebrating the Season: A Flat Rock Playhouse Christmas

Those of us fortunate enough to regularly attend performances at Flat Rock Playhouse know in our hearts that the holiday season officially begins with the opening night of A Flat Rock Playhouse Christmas. As the curtain draws back on Leiman Mainstage we know it is time – time to immerse ourselves in the joy of celebrating family, friends, and the meaning of the season. It is a gift from the Playhouse to our community.

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Projecting a New Image

Projecting a New Image

Since arriving in Henderson County in 2012, Bryan Byrd has had quite a varied career. His endeavors include national sales rep, radio sales consultant for WTZQ, local real estate agent, music promoter and familiar voice during the annual Bearfootin' Art Walk auction in downtown Hendersonville. This year, however, Bryan is projecting a blockbuster new image – as the owner and operator of Flat Rock Cinema.

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