Finding Ways to Carry On

On a normal Saturday morning at 10 am, there is a jumble of cars jockeying for the prime parking spots in front of the restaurant and a hungry crowd of people milling around Rainbow Row while waiting for a table to open up. In short, during normal times, Honey & Salt is one of the busiest places in Flat Rock on a weekend morning.

But, of course, these are not normal times…

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The Breakfast Club with Mark and Paige

The Breakfast Club with Mark and Paige

Paige walks into the studio 20 seconds before The Breakfast Show goes live. She slides into her studio chair, adjusts the microphone hanging in front of her, and picks up the notes Mark has placed on the counter where she sits. With 5 seconds to spare, she is ready to go. Mark flips on the mic and cues the show’s opener.

Announcer: Wake up Sleepy Heads! It’s time for the Breakfast Club … with Mark and Paige!

Mark: Good morning, Good morning! It’s 11 minutes after seven in the morning on a fabulous Friday. Good morning, Paige!

Paige: Good morning, my love.

At a time of day when most of us are fumbling with coffee makers and struggling to formulate anything other than single-syllable sentences, Mark Warwick and Paige Posey are providing their listeners with news, announcements, local interviews, music, trivia, and delightful energy to start a new day in the mountains of western North Carolina.

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